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The Barag( Baerhu) people in Inner Mongolia

June 16th. 2024

Barag Mongolian

By Lee Mao Ching (our tour operator and guide)

The origin of the most Mongolian tribes dates back to the large area of today’s Hulun Bur of the northeast Inner Mongolia, and the Onon River valley which across the border of east Russia and Mongolia. Barag, known as Barhu in China, is no exception. The settlement of the Barag group is stable, still scatter to the south of  Dalay Lake , known as Hulun Lake in China, is fed by Herlen River to its south and Ergun River to its north in Russia. Barag is seen the history record in Sui and Tang Dynasty of 581—907 A.D, dated back  a history of 1300 to 2300 years.

In the glory day of Yuan Dynasty, Barag jointed Genghis Khan’s West Expedition Army in the thirteen centuries. Part of the Barag settled down along the road back after the century war . Barag is found in today’s gobi desert by Dorim River , the north of Darkhan Muminggan, north of  Baotou in China, Ten thousands of the Barag scatter in the North of Qinhai, practicing animal husbandry by Qinghai Lake.

 According to the research in 20 led by Li Ronglan , the anthropologist of Inner Mongolian University, Barag Mongolian shares 52.63 percent common in the face proportion with Buryat, based on the samples from 400 Mongolian men and women from different area.

The language of Barag is closer to the Buryat tribe in today’s Republic Buryatia in Russia, but getting more and more close to ordinary Mongolian tongue, though a few dialects are similar to Uyghur language, a branch of Turki linguistic.


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