Mauris in laoreet nisl. Vivamus et arcu pellentesque, pretium tellus at, feugiat lacus. Fusce varius non ex ut feugiat. Fusce auctor eu diam non tristique.
What you get
- 5-star catering service
- Adequate security
- Tour guides
- Additional transportation
Our representative will meet you , boarding your chartered van to Ya-an, visit panda base, It is worth at least two hours to hang around the panda raising base, the largest one of four raising bases in China.
Drive to Shangli-the old town dated back at least a thousand years in the history. Hang around in the alleyways of the old town. Stay in Shangli.
There will be one day trekking to the tea plantations, rice fields , fruit tree plantation and more traditional villages around Shangli. Stay in Shangli for the second day.
In this two hundred kilometers journey , you will enjoy the view of countryside in the suburb of Chengdu, traditional villages , farming .
In the afternoon, boating by the river which floating down by the foot of the Giant Guddha. Visit afternoon tea house in Leshan. Stay in Leshan
In the morning , we will drive to the Giant Buddha of Lesha,, which dug out from the red stone rock of the mountain. You will take lane steps up from the entrance for a thousand meters before you can see the curly hair on the Buddha head, each vortex hair stands the same size of a person , while its ear stands higher than two ordianry men. You will take the lane leading down to its foot and then swirling up to the top by the other lane.
Its temple just next to the statue , and gardens scattering to the east slopes are worth some hours to hang around.
In the afternoon, drive back to Chengdu. Tour ends.
Cost includes
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Dessert
- Tour guide
- Escort security
Cost excludes
- privates shopping
- insurance which covering any accident and health
What to know before you book/depart
Aenean a nunc sapien. Aliquam sit amet ipsum sed odio egestas egestas sed finibus enim. Fusce libero elit, gravida vel auctor pellentesque, vestibulum quis lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nec libero vel dolor molestie iaculis vitae sed lacus.
Nullam et dolor malesuada, auctor ante ut, feugiat enim. Vestibulum quis varius neque. Phasellus nisl elit, dictum quis tortor non, sollicitudin tristique velit. Donec blandit, urna vel fringilla vulputate, tellus ex venenatis mauris, et sollicitudin est urna ut erat. Nunc maximus lacus ex, at rhoncus neque tempus eu.
Nunc accumsan molestie sem nec pulvinar. Nulla viverra ex eget efficitur tincidunt. Morbi at ante sit amet mauris tincidunt finibus.
Ut consectetur, lorem eget faucibus maximus, nibh sapien placerat felis, quis lacinia tellus velit a velit. Phasellus pellentesque dui elementum sollicitudin hendrerit. Donec a imperdiet ipsum.
Tour Destinations